
Now That We’ve Voted

With the presidential election finally over and with the re-election of President Bush, some are thinking, "Hallelujah! We have a president who's going to promote a godly moral agenda. All is well because we've won." If that's what you're thinking, it's time for a serious reality check. The kingdom of God will not arrive on Air Force One no matter how good the president's character or great his ability. Don't get me wrong: Elections are important; the law is a moral teacher. But all the laws and political victories will not help us if we lose the culture. Our job is the same no matter who is in office: that is, to make serious disciples and to bring Christian truth to bear in all of life. The first place to start is training our children in biblical worldview thinking. Statistics show that many Christian kids lose their faith in college. (Not surprising, if you look at Barna's poll and see that only 9 percent of evangelical teens believe in moral truth.) In college, they are assaulted by secular relativism, and if we don't prepare them, they will be like lambs led to slaughter. Among the things we need to teach them, as well, is the meaning of sexuality and marriage. Many were raised by single parents in a culture that denies the moral significance of sex. A friend who teaches at a secular university says that when he brings up the Christian teaching that sex should take place exclusively within marriage, his students are incredulous. "Who ever heard of such a thing?" they ask. They find equally bizarre the idea that marriage should be permanent. So when these kids marry, even with the best of intentions, they are likely to fail. They haven't been instructed. We must also teach our children the value of all human life, including that of the handicapped, the unborn, and the elderly. When they absorb society's utilitarian clamoring -- that we should justify moral horrors in the interest of doing "the greatest good for the greatest number" -- we ought to point out to them people like Joni Eareckson Tada, a quadriplegic who eloquently speaks out against cloning and embryonic stem-cell research. When our youth are influenced by the "fairness" argument for gay "marriage," help them understand that matrimonial law is not based on "feelings" or "fairness," but on moral and natural law judgments that marriage is inherently heterosexual, monogamous, fruitful, and permanent. Even with a believer in the White House, Christians are not released from our obligation to teach worldview and to work for righteousness. As agents of God's common grace, we are called to help sustain and renew His creation, to uphold the created institutions of family and society. In the final analysis, winning the culture is more important than winning elections. To paraphrase the Scriptures, what will it profit us if we win the presidency -- but lose our children to a corroded culture? The election is over, and now it's time to get down to our job, to be steady at our posts -- discipling our children and transforming culture, the only way cultures are ever changed: from the bottom up. For further reading and information: Calvin Woodward and Ron Fournier, "Bush Wins Reelection As Kerry Concedes," Associated Press, 3 November 2004. "Voters register disapproval of gay marriage," MSNBC, 3 November 2004. Walter E. Williams, "Is politics the way?, 3 November 2004. Joni and Friends exists to communicate the Gospel and equip Christ-honoring churches worldwide to evangelize and disciple people affected by disability. BreakPoint Commentary No. 040603, "Reclaiming Occupied Territory: Christianity and the Cultural Mandate." Charles Colson with Anne Morse, "Reclaiming Occupied Territory," Christianity Today, 25 July 2004. Dale Buss, "Christian Teens? Not Very.Wall Street Journal, 9 July 2004. Charles Colson, Answers to Your Kids' Questions (Tyndale, 2000). See BreakPoint's "Worldview for Parents" columns for more discussion topics. See Chuck Colson's "Top Ten Moral Issues Facing America." Call 1-877-322-5527 to request the BreakPoint CD "Setting Your Moral Compass," in which BreakPoint addresses the key moral issues of our day (suggested donation $20). Call 1-877-322-5527 to request the free fact sheets "Top Ten Myths about Marriage" and "Top Ten Myths about Divorce" -- great teaching tools for youth leaders and parents. Call 1-877-322-5527 to request the newly released How Now Shall We Live? Devotional, 365 meditations on daring to live boldly for Christ in today's world.


Chuck Colson


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