“Anti-LGBT Florida Schools are Getting School Vouchers.” That’s the headline of a pseudo-investigative piece in the Orlando Sentinel with this bombshell discovery: Many Christian K-12 schools in Florida have a biblically informed statement of faith. And those, reporters wrote, are anti-gay.
Somewhere in paragraph 47 of the article, the report does acknowledge that most school policies address student conduct, not internal sexual struggles. Which means that by suggesting these policies against homosexual behavior are discriminatory, the Orlando Sentinel apparently thinks that kids, minors, should be having sex.
That’s not a premise anyone who actually cares for kids should accept.
By the way, not one time in this 3,000-word report does it mention that these schools also prohibit heterosexual activity among their students.
This is the core mistake of pro-LGBT ideology, which the media has fully accepted: conflating identity with activity.
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Anti-LGBT Florida schools getting school vouchers
Leslie Postal & Annie Martin | Orlando Sentinel | January 23, 2020
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