The biggest news for biblical scholars these days is that they can finally study the complete Dead Sea Scrolls. The…
The young man was obviously excited to meet me. “Boy,” he said, “when I argue with nonbelievers about Christianity, I…
Have you seen the new Barbie doll? She carries a panda bear, and from her ears dangle tiny giraffe earrings.…
In the heat of the election campaign, President Bush says his goal is to act presidential. Well, I know just…
One of this season’s biggest box office hits, surprisingly enough, had no profanity. No nudity. No bloody shoot-outs. It was…
The poor can climb out of poverty armed with just hard work, self-discipline, and faith. They don’t need constant welfare…
Everyone applauded it as a great victory for the homeless. In Santa Ana, California, dozens of homeless people had camped…
During the storm, a young mother turned on the radio to see if school had been canceled. As she and…
It was math class in a Chicago high school. But instead of learning geometry that morning, the students were taught…
“A new energy crisis?” asks Nation’s Business. Is cheap oil “lulling the public into a false sense of security?” asks…