Will the finance reform bill signal change for the better, or more of the same? On Friday’s BreakPoint, I said…
It’s a fact of life: Freedom depends on moral restraint. Lose moral restraint, and you lose freedom. There once was…
Outside of the Scriptures themselves, which book has had the most influence on the course of Western civilization and our…
As the culture changes, so do our laws and what we used to think were fundamental freedoms. I’ll show you…
Think of the great movies of all time. Citizen Kane. The Maltese Falcon. It’s a Wonderful Life. Lawrence of Arabia.…
Today is the 40th annual Earth Day. Why, and how, you celebrate it will depend on your worldview. Happy Earth…
Do you enjoy the benefits of electricity? Thank American coal miners. And in the wake of the West Virginia tragedy,…
Are people’s brains hardwired for religious belief? At least one scientist thinks so. But dare I ask, hardwired by whom?…
What do we do when we become aware of our sin? As individuals, we repent and ask forgiveness. So can…
Charlatans, hypocrites, and dupes. That’s how Hollywood usually portrays Christians. But it wasn’t always that way. Peter Dans is a…