When legitimate interests clash, like freedom of the press and government confidentiality, ethical dilemmas are sure to follow. When I…
The election is over and it’s time for Congress to get serious about the budget. The first big test may…
For years I’ve been making the case that the sanctity of human life is a fundamental, universal principal. And now,…
My dear friend Joni Eareckson Tada has written a great new book called Life in the Balance, and I want…
What price would you pay to live past the age of 100? Or, what price would you ask someone else…
Find out why advocates of embryo-destructive stem cell research may never be satisfied. I’ve got good news for you and…
This past weekend, practically every TV was tuned to the same event and the same place. No, it wasn’t an…
I love a good movie. And a movie that underscores the value of every human life, well, I really love…
A new film about the founding of Facebook shows exactly why we need to restore ethics in America. Even before…
How do Christians respond to a tragedy such as the suicide of Tyler Clementi? You’ve no doubt heard about the…