As Christians, we know that no one is beyond the reach of Christ. But if we’re honest, most of…
Do you remember the little Michigan boy who shot and killed his first-grade classmate? The story horrified even shell-shocked…
The U. S. Senate announced this week that it will delay considering some parts of the President’s faith-based initiatives.…
Julio Enriquez was arrested for trying to steal a car owned by Georgene Felicia. Since he was a juvenile,…
They say you should be careful about what you ask for, because you just might get it. Well, a few…
Paul Celluci was a faithful father and husband. But last year he ran afoul of the law and ended…
James was only fourteen years old — but it wasn’t difficult to predict what he would become when he grew…
If you had to pick the most at-risk group of kids in America, who would you choose? I mean,…
When a dozen men roared down the street on their motorcycles, even the drug dealers jumped back in alarm.…
Thirteen years ago, James Corder was convicted of murdering his stepmother and was sent to prison in Iowa. From…