Three cases that will be consequential for years to come.
Case will consider whether certain, possibly unsafe, allowances made under the cover of Covid should be scrapped.
The Oppenheimer movie has Christians revisiting the morality of warfare.
Recent decisions don’t expose the Court’s assumed ideological divide but rather a consensus of justice for the nation.
Progressive justice revises history, with decisions based on identity-markers like race and sexual orientation as ultimate authority over objective and…
The Court ruled that U.S. Post Office employee Gerald Groff could not be forced to work on Sundays.
In the wake of the Supreme Court’s important decision in 303 Creative v. Elenis, a lie has been propagated about…
On Friday, the Supreme Court delivered a smashing victory for free speech.
When religion is seen as non-essential, religious freedom is limited to “religious” activities like private prayer, church attendance, and personal…