Can we finally give the myth that an unborn baby is “just a clump of cells” a decent burial? Yesterday…
What were they thinking? An embarrassing article in The Atlantic reveals so much about the state of the pro-choice movement.…
Putting myths to rest is always a good thing, and right now it needs to be bedtime for Bonzo. …
Who doesn’t love the Internet? News, entertainment, shopping, connecting with friends? But what is it doing to our souls? …
How do you read a scroll you can’t open? Modern technology provides the answer, and shows that Scripture is more…
The biggest ethical and scientific debate of the early 2000s has all but disappeared. And we need to tell people…
Technology in the Classroom. Dr. Nicholas Kardaras,writing in TIME Magazine, has gone public with an inconvenient truth about a modern…
Late last month, the World Wide Web quietly celebrated its 10 thousandth day of existence, making it almost exactly my…
A Day in Court. After all the hubbub and drama, North Carolina’s “bathroom bill” is finally being heard in court. On…
Great fiction has warned us of the dangers of playing God with human genetics, but sadly, what’s going on these…