The Family. The new NetFlix documentary series “The Family” profiles a group called The Fellowship, which hosts the annual National…
Oregon Drops Protection. Oregon has allowed doctor-assisted suicide since 1998. However, the “Death With Dignity Act,” which enabled the practice,…
Many Christians know the role of William Wilberforce in the elimination of the transatlantic slave trade. His success, aided by…
Do your homework! You just might change history. In 1785, the topic for Cambridge’s Latin essay contest was the lawfulness…
Orthodox Bishop Murdered. Coptic Orthodox Bishop Epiphanius was apparently murdered over the weekend. He was found Sunday morning, lying in…
Todd Phillips was once a lot like the young adults he found himself pastoring. At age 24, looking for forgiveness…
Today is the 185th anniversary of a monumental achievement brought about by a great man of faith. In fact, Chuck…