The Kansas City Star could not restrain its sarcasm. “In Topeka, Kansas,” the paper announced, “they’re getting ready to stage the 2005…
The notion of gratitude is hot these days. Search the Internet, and you’ll find more than a million sites about…
If you happened to stumble across a devout Christian in Hollywood, you’d likely assume he was one of two things:…
Some deaths can rightly be called “fitting.” That is, in dying, the person embodied what his life stood for. John…
Steve Wilkens had a problem. He had just gotten a job teaching introductory college courses in philosophy. Now there’s nothing…
Harvard’s medical research community is outraged that Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney has dared to challenge its plans to create human…
Last year, the film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind asked an intriguing question: If you could get rid of bad memories,…
Spoiler Alert: This commentary gives away the ending for Million Dollar Baby. One of the favorites for this year’s Academy Awards…
I understand why Harvard president Lawrence Summers might be confused. Speaking at a conference about “diversifying the science and engineering…
Antony Flew, the 81-year-old British philosophy professor who taught at Oxford and other leading universities, became an atheist at age…