When you walk into the office of most congressmen, the decor announces “I’m important and influential.” Photographs display the lawmaker…
A few months ago, David Chalifoux and Jerry Robertson showed up at their New Caney, Texas, high school wearing their…
The new ads for Calvin Klein’s unisex cologne are just what we’ve come to expect from Mr. Klein: Bored, unkempt…
To the uninitiated, it looks like the beginning of a new episode of “The Twilight Zone.” A car zooms past…
The new series of ads for Candie’s shoes make those old ads about the Tidy Bowl man look positively…
A full-page ad shows a young man leaping high into the air on a Schwinn bike. The ad copy promises…
An Ikea furniture commercial portrays a young couple who look for all the world like newlyweds. They wander about the…
A little boy holds a bag of Lay’s potato chips and grins at NFL quarterback Dan Marino. “Betcha can’t eat…
News reports say that the sitcom star Roseanne Barr has been spotted riding a broomstick and wearing a tall, pointy…
A 15-year-old boy—we’ll call him James—broke into a house in Washington, D.C. While James was searching one room, one of…