Folks, do your college kids know that when it comes to faith, reason is on their side? On March 24th,…
So the New York Times runs a piece about gender-free toys. Ho-hum. Until you realize what’s behind the effort. London’s…
Tired of your teen sitting on the couch in front of the tube? Give her a good book, one she’ll…
Ah, Christmas is coming. The carols, the lights…and, ugh, the shopping. But I’ve got an idea for you. Right now,…
This is Jim Liske, CEO of Prison Fellowship. Let me ask you a question: If God placed an orphan on…
This is Jim Liske, CEO of Prison Fellowship. Let me ask you a question: If God placed an orphan on…
Today I want to introduce you to someone who can help bridge the Christian generation gap. From Facebook to Twitter,…
Prison Fellowship’s Angel Tree program is one of the most powerful and moving ministries I’ve ever been involved in. Get…
Boys need inspiration and role models to become real men. And one new book seeks to provide them. On…
If there is no created moral order, well, go sign your sons up for Girl Scouts. “What are little…