Are you careful to make sure your kids eat healthy foods? Good. Now, do you know what they’re consuming online?…
What are the main reasons teenagers abstain from sex? Two old-fashioned words. Find out what they are. A recently released…
So much of our nation’s history was shaped by the Christian worldview, and by extraordinary people who lived it out.…
Seen an interesting tattoo in church lately? You’re not alone. But should Christians tattoo themselves? In Herman Melville’s classic novel,…
Wouldn’t it be great to see your teenager or college student really excited about Christian worldview? A few years ago,…
Kids will be kids. The question is what kind of kids they’ll be when adults leave them to their own…
The bullying endured by a South Hadley teenager shocked the nation. It shouldn’t have. For more, read today’s commentary. On…
Are young evangelicals today influenced more by the culture or the church? Find out the unsurprising answer. The Pew Forum…
First GM. Then health care. Now student loans. The government is trying to take over yet another industry. Why should…
Are you concerned about religious freedom in this country? Well, here’s something you can do about it. Just before Thanksgiving,…