Today, in Israel, is Holocaust Memorial Day. Here’s an amazing story of an unlikely hero, a Christian who changed the…
What’s (that kind of) love got to do with it? In our culture, and for too many believers, love has…
I hear all of the time that “going to Summit changed my life.” But Brian Skaret’s story made my jaw…
If you think, like I do, that Christian colleges are hugely important, especially in this culture, you should be concerned.…
How’s that shopping going? According to USA Today, social media users aren’t happy with social media. Facebook is too argumentative…
John Stonestreet and Ed Stezter mark the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. They discuss the…
Thinking can make you uncomfortable. WORLD magazine recently reported that Julianne Benzel, a high school AP History teacher in California,…
What happens when a society stops reproducing itself? Well, we’re in the early stages of finding out. Stay tuned to…
No, that doesn’t sound right at all. Not that we needed more proof, but the media just . . .…
A government critic once called TV “a vast wasteland.” So how do we navigate it with our worldview intact? The…