
Doctors Who Defend Kids

A professional call to halt “gender-affirming care” in the U.S.


John Stonestreet

Jared Hayden

On June 6, the American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) along with 17 other medical and health policy organizations released a statement calling on U.S. medical professional associations to halt the promotion and standardization of so-called “gender-affirming care.” 

The statement, known as the “Doctors Protecting Children Declaration,” follows on the heels of the Cass Review, an in-depth review of medical research in the U.K., which found that the use of chemical and surgical “transition” interventions is not supported by evidence. In fact, at least five European countries have stopped these “transition” interventions for minors.  

The U.S. is now an outlier, with major U.S. medical professional organizations continuing to promote puberty-blocking drugs, cross-sex hormones, and even “sex-change” surgery as treatment options for gender dysphoria. These ideologically captured institutions are choosing to put children at risk despite the evidence … evidence that continues to pile up against this social experimentation. ACPeds’ statement is a step in the right direction. 


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