California is Making Insurance Providers Offer Juvenile Mastectomies
John Stonestreet Maria Baer

Earlier this year, California’s insurance commissioner declared that health insurers must pay for mastectomies for girls and women with gender dysphoria. Maybe this doesn’t seem shocking. California’s gonna do its California thing after all. Sure, some adults are abusing hormones or hurting their bodies in service to transgender ideology. What’s the big deal?
But to brush this off would be a mistake. Just three years ago, Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles revealed in a published study that doctors there had performed two double mastectomies on shockingly young girls: one 14 and one 13.
The next time you hear anyone suggest “There’s nothing to see here, this isn’t happening to kids, this isn’t happening at all,” look to California. It’s happening. It’s already happened.
The author of the Book of Jude said he wanted to write to his fellow Christians about the salvation they share, but that instead he felt compelled to warn them. “These ungodly people pollute their own bodies,” he wrote. “But you, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith… save others by snatching them from the fire.”
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