Chivalry Makes a Comeback?
It turns out that we really do want sacrificial love, and women want someone willing to make a physical sacrifice.
John Stonestreet Maria Baer

Gender confusion has turned dating into a minefield. It is one thing to say that men and women are interchangeable, but applying that lie has made male/female relationships politically fraught.
A new study suggests we would do better to trust our instincts. Researchers asked thousands of men and women if they are more attracted to people willing to protect them from danger. The short answer was, “duh.”
Women found men who were willing to protect them significantly more attractive than men who weren’t, regardless of the man’s perceived physical fitness or strength. Men reported the same, although not as high.
It turns out that we really do want sacrificial love, and women want someone willing to make a physical sacrifice. Because men are generally physically stronger than women, they should be willing to protect the women in their lives. Being attracted to this sort of goodness might not be politically correct, but reality is stubborn, and that’s how we were made.
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