Business experts are noticing an increase in Gen Z-ers’ need to know they’re doing things well. “Sixty-six percent of Gen Z say they need feedback from their supervisor at least every few weeks in order to stay at their job,” writes Ryan Jennings, a generation expert, “Considering Gen Z grew up in digital environments full of real-time feedback (likes, comments, shares, etc.), it’s not surprising [they have] an elevated appetite for feedback at work.”
On the other hand, many believe Gen Z is the most narcissistic generation. It’s not hard to see why, when young people are constantly taught to live “their” truth and cut out “toxic people” – which is mostly anyone who makes them feel bad.
Incredibly, the latest peer-reviewed data shows that Gen Z-ers know they have this tendency, and don’t really like that about themselves.
So, there’s hope after all. Growth of any kind requires being willing to listen to others, even when they tell us things we don’t want to hear.
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