Is Changing Gender Pronouns Capitulating to the Transgender Movement? – BreakPoint Q&A
John Stonestreet Wayne Stender
John fields a question from a college professor whose colleagues are posting their preferred gender pronouns in their school email signature. She asks if using gender pronouns like this is capitulating to the transgender movement. In reply, John offers encouragement for the professor as she wrestles through living well in her culture context.
John also responds to a question from a nurse who supports patients on hospice care. The nurse asks how she should respond to her employer who is requesting her to use the term “assisted death” rather than “assisted suicide” as the nurse receives questions from patients and their families. John affirms the nurse’s stand to clarify terminology and provides supportive structures for the nurse as she defends her position.
John also engages with a listener’s question for statistics related to an issue he and Shane have addressed in previous Ask The Colson Center segments. This person looks for data to backup the claim that children have greater success when living in a household that has both a mother and a father in the traditional sense. John adds a list of resources for parenting young men.
Same-Sex Marriage: A Thoughtful Approach to God’s Design for Marriage – John Stonestreet
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