Is Your Worldview Big Enough?
The Colson Fellows program is a regionally based (or online) deep dive into a robust Christian worldview. There are cohorts in over 60 cities and online. Colson Fellows can be found in state legislatures, board rooms, schools, medical research, prisons, pulpits, dinner tables, racial reconciliation efforts...in other words, in every area of life.
John Stonestreet

Everything at the Colson Center, from the Point and BreakPoint commentaries to podcasts to Wilberforce Weekend brings clarity on culture from a Christian worldview.
But the goal isn’t just to think clearly. It’s also to live in an intentionally redemptive way. And nothing gets in the way of that more than a truncated view of the Gospel. You might call it a “two-chapter” worldview, one focused only on sin and salvation but doesn’t take seriously the biblical realities of creation and restoration. Creation helps us see God’s intent; restoration puts our personal salvation in larger context of Christ’s work in history. A two-chapter Gospel simply isn’t big enough for this cultural moment.
What if you could spend nine months building the worldview “muscles” needed to make sense of the culture and, working and studying with others, develop a plan to live a life of Christian influence grounded in the story of Scripture?
The Colson Fellows program is a regionally based (or online) deep dive into a robust Christian worldview. There are cohorts in over 60 cities and online. Colson Fellows can be found in state legislatures, board rooms, schools, medical research, prisons, pulpits, dinner tables, racial reconciliation efforts…in other words, in every area of life.
And that’s the vision: everyday Christian leaders, all across culture, with a clear vision for how God can use them in this cultural moment. Learn more at colsonfellows.org.
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