Jordan Peterson on His Wife’s Faith
Tammy Peterson’s conversion to Christianity highlights how faith in Christ reveals true self.
John Stonestreet Jared Hayden

In a recent interview, Jordan Peterson, the Canadian psychologist whose straight-shooting advice for young men made him a viral sensation, was asked what it’s been like to watch his wife wrestle with faith and convert to Christianity, something he admittedly has not done. The question brought tears to his eyes, and his answer reflected something true about what faith in Christ can do for a person:
When you love someone, it hurts you to see them deviate from the thing that draws you to them. …And this investigation … has been key to that. She’s much more who she is. And that’s great because I love who she is. And the more of that, the better.
In our age, many voices proclaim authenticity as being self-made and complete autonomy as the source of your “true self.” But what Jordan Peterson is reporting here is how our true selves are only found in Christ, our Creator and Redeemer. Let’s pray that, like his wife, he’d find his truest self in the person of Jesus Christ, too.
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