After a month of negotiations, the UN Commission on Population shelved efforts to help countries deal with COVID-related food shortages. Why? Because the European Union, led by Luxembourg, refused to participate in any relief plan that didn’t include resources for abortion.
Writing at National Review, ADF International’s Elyse Koren notes that this isn’t the first time UN abortion advocates have contaminated relief efforts. For example, in war-ravaged Yemen, an Islamic nation that prohibits abortion except when the mother’s life is at risk, the UN Fund for Population raised millions of dollars for abortion and provided relief kits with “abortion-related items such as vacuum extractor and cranioclasts for crushing fetal skulls.”
Ecuador, which heavily restricts abortion, was presented with an $8 million COVID relief package with the requirement that the country would implement “safe, legal abortion.”
In other words, the UN is willing to help save lives . . . if nations are willing to take lives. The only word for that is blackmail.
International Affairs
Politics & Government
Religion & Society
The United Nations Holds Up COVID-19 Relief over Abortion
Elyssa Koren | National Review | July 10, 2020
New Zealand’s Outrageous New Abortion Law
John Stonestreet | Breakpoint | July 17, 2020
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