Planned Parenthood’s “3 Percent” Fallacy
Abortion is big business for Planned Parenthood, no matter how they fudge the numbers.
John Stonestreet Maria Baer

A few years ago, facing threats to part of its federal funding, Planned Parenthood loudly claimed that abortion only accounted for 3% of the services they provided. Defenders of the nation’s largest abortion business continue to cite the stat.
It’s as misleading today as it was then.
Planned Parenthood’s strategy was to separate out the actual abortion as a service from every other minute detail of a woman’s visit to a clinic. So, if the same visit involved STI testing, a birth control prescription, aspirins for pain, or anesthesia, each was counted as a different service. That’s why abortion was only 3% of their services, but 40% of their revenue.
As journalist Rich Lowry once put it, that’s like Major League Baseball saying that because they sell 2 million hot dogs a year but only host 2,400 baseball games, they’re a hot dog company with a baseball side hustle.
Abortion is big business for Planned Parenthood, no matter how they fudge the numbers.