Praising God in the Crossfire
Live on camera, God gave Yolanda Cooper-Sutton peace.
John Stonestreet Jared Hayden

Last month, a local Memphis news station caught a drive-by shooting live on camera. During an interview about crime with Whitehaven community leader Yolanda Cooper-Sutton, a series of shots rang out across the street. Thankfully, no one was injured.
And just as surprising as the shooting was Cooper-Sutton’s calm and faith-filled response. Immediately, she advised everyone to get down and stay down. “It’s okay,” you can hear her saying in order to comfort the shocked crew, and the clip ends with Cooper-Sutton saying from the ground, “Thank you, Lord Jesus. Thank you, Lord, for the blood of Jesus that cover[s] us.”
Paul promised the Christians in Philippi that the peace of Christ will rule our hearts. That’s just as true when our world is in chaos as when all seems fine and peaceful. And it’s a gift we can then give others. Live on camera, God gave Yolanda Cooper-Sutton peace. She then gave it to the crew and, because of a viral video, to the world.
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