
Summer Is for Fathers Investing in Sons

A worthwhile challenge to dads.


John Stonestreet

Jared Hayden

Hey, dads of teenage sons, Acton Institute research fellow Dr. Anthony Bradley has a great idea for a summer project. In a recent tweet, Bradley challenged fathers to intentionally invest in their teenage sons by reading a book together about what it means to be a man. Bradley’s recommendation is Man Up! The Quest for Masculinity. Whether that or another book, scheduling time over dinner or coffee to discuss topics that might not otherwise come up during the day is a great idea.  

According to one father,  

The experience of going through Man Up not only helped both of us think through biblically what we are called to be, but it created an environment of togetherness that deepened our relationship. Quite simply, our time together and these discussions became the highlight of my weeks and created more meaningful interaction during the weeks as well. 

So, Dads, what do you say? 


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