Bad ideas have victims. Sometimes they’re kids. It’s a bad idea to deny biological reality, and it’s a bad idea…
Taylor Swift called, and people responded. Formerly nonpolitical superstar Taylor Swift recently got political. After posting her support on Instagram…
When sex is divorced from marriage and procreation, bad things happen. Of the many cases that prove this point, here’s…
Do your homework! You just might change history. In 1785, the topic for Cambridge’s Latin essay contest was the lawfulness…
Here’s an offer for you . . . and your kids. Want to improve your child’s memory? Help her do…
Help your church make an eternal difference in the life of a child this Christmas. It was back in the…
What many parents suspected is now official. According to the World Health Organization there is such a thing called “gaming…
Bert and Ernie? Really? Recently, a Sesame Street writer claimed that Bert and Ernie, among the show’s most famous muppets,…
Is it possible to love God with our hearts and our minds—even when we’re watching the tube? Here are some…
Failing can be educational too. Across the country, college counseling services are overwhelmed. As Peter Gray writes at Psychology Today,…