The Coronavirus . . . from a Christian Worldview Perspective
Including: Discernment and Conspiracy Theories; the Economy; Medical Ethics; Loving Our Neighbors in a Time of Pandemic
John Stonestreet Shane Morris

John Stonestreet and Shane Morris devote this week’s entire episode to applying a Christian worldview to all the issues surrounding the coronavirus: including discerning the media; trusting our leaders; from jobs and the economy to our 401(k)s; how Christians maintain social distancing yet support our neighbors as our ancient Christian forebears did in times of plague; how we bring a consistent ethic of respecting all lives in a time of pandemic and limited medical resources.
They also talk about special upcoming Colson Center events. See our resources listed below.
Download the MP3 audio here.
Business and Economics
Christian Living
Conspiracy Theories
Health & Science
Social Media
Colson Center Short Course: How the Church can Respond to Culture’s Brokenness. Includes special session with Ed Stetzer on a Christian response to the coronavirus.
“This Is Your Brain on Google” by John Stonestreet and Maria Baer, BreakPoint
“Social Distancing and Our Sabbath Rest” by Timothy D. Padgett, BreakPoint.org
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