On Monday the U.S. Supreme Court gave life a win by declining to hear a challenge to the state of Kentucky’s Ultrasound Informed Consent law.
The law requires women to have an ultrasound before having an abortion. And while women are not required to view the ultrasound or listen to the baby’s heartbeat, many do.
The ACLU initially succeeded in having a lower court overturn the law, but the U. S. 6th Circuit backed it. The ACLU then challenged, and the Supreme Court decision not to accept the case means the law stands.
According to the ACLU, the Kentucky law is unconstitutional, and the Supreme Court has “rubber-stamped extreme political interference in the doctor-patient relationship.”
Live Action’s Lila Rose countered, “When women have the chance to see the humanity of their child & hear their heartbeat, many reject the violence of abortion.”
Indeed. Evils like abortion only thrive when hidden from view. Laws like this expose it for what it really is.
BREAKING: Supreme Court upholds Kentucky ultrasound law | Cassy Fiano-Chesser | Live Action | December 9, 2019
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