How Should I Engage Local Businesses Hosting Adults Only Fundraisers for Youth LGBTQ Clubs
BreakPoint Q&A
John Stonestreet Shane Morris

John and Shane provide encouragement for a listener whose community is hosting a gay pride weekend. A number of local businesses in this area are hosting adults-only fundraisers for the local teen LGBTQ+ organization. How can Christians correctly encourage the community in light of businesses that fail to think well about the LGBTQ+ lifestyle and the consequences of encouraging its ideology to young people?
Shane then shares a question seeking clarity on God’s design for marriage. The listener is concerned that the emphasis of procreation on marriage may insinuate some unions don’t represent the image of God. In response, John speaks to a Christian worldview of marriage, encouraging believers to understand the expansive nature of God’s design.
To close, John replies to a pushback to a recent BreakPoint commentary critiquing the #LeaveLoud campaign. A listener argues that his majority white church doesn’t understand the challenges of being a black man in their community and asks what kind of response he should give in such a situation. John and Shane offer important points on the purpose and role of Church, with John asking the man to engage his neighbors by providing feedback on important cultural realities for the church to understand.
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