According to Wired magazine, “Eighteen months of using front-facing cameras has distorted our self-image.” It’s what health experts are calling “Zoom Dysmorphia.” We’re spending so much time looking at ourselves through cameras, it’s crushing our self-esteem.
Doctors have seen this effect for a long time. Feelings of distress and self-focus rise when people spend too much time looking in the mirror, even people who don’t have a diagnosed body image problem. A safe conclusion is that as humans, we weren’t designed to look at ourselves. We find our best sense of belonging, identity, and self-worth by focusing outwardly, not inwardly.
Consider babies. They’re utterly unselfconscious. They get tremendous joy from just looking at others. It’s only as we get older that we make ourselves miserable with our constant consideration of ourselves.
All of this mirrors a profound spiritual reality that’s communicated to us in the greatest commandment: don’t think too much of yourself, but fix your eyes on God, by loving Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and your neighbor as yourself.
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