Here’s something unexpected… but welcome. The most-listened-to podcast so far in 2021, according to the Apple podcast app, is “The Bible in a Year,” a daily Scripture reading by popular host and Catholic priest Fr. Mike Schmitz.
In the midst of all of this cultural chaos, uncertainty, death, division, and noise, praise God that so many people are looking to the larger Story of God’s redemption. How many times this past year have we wondered if and how we can fix this mess? Or, if peace is even possible? Well, it is, and this is how – by returning to the Lord, being formed in truth and empowered by the Spirit. By becoming people who carry crosses. Turning to the Bible, in print or podcast, is a great place to start.
I hope you’ll find your hope and strength from there in 2021 as well.
Bible & Theology
Christian Living
Christian Worldview
Religion & Society
Ascension | 2021
The Bible in a Year Is the Most Popular Podcast in the U.S.
Alexandra Descantis | National Review | January 10, 2021
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