The Point

The Point: Gillette Takes a Shave


John Stonestreet

Proctor and Gamble recently announced an $8 billion loss on the shaving company Gillette.

According to Reuters, men just don’t shave as often as they used to, and the technology has changed. But new startup companies like Harry’s razors and Unilever increased their share of the U. S. razor market, while Gillette’s shrank.

It may be that Gillette’s recent politically charged ad campaigns had something to do with it. The first campaign targeted toxic masculinity, basically painting men (you know, the ones who use Gillette razors) as brutish, juvenile thugs.  The campaign was a flop.

Then Gillette decided it would be a good idea for Father’s Day to show a man helping his transitioning biological daughter to learn to shave, as if she were his son.

LGBTQ advocates are constantly pressuring companies and their CEOs to promote their cause. It may be, as Gillette’s enormous losses show, that those who value biological reality just aren’t ready to go along with all this wokeness.


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