The Point
The Point: The Colson Fellows Program: Time to Take the Plunge
Everything we do at the Colson Center, including the Point and BreakPoint commentaries and the BreakPoint podcast, is designed to offer clarity on the culture from a Christian worldview.
But the goal isn’t just to think clearly. It’s also to live redemptively. And if you’re ready for this kind of deep dive into Christian worldview, check out our Colson Fellows Program.
Colson Fellows sign up for nine months of intense training in worldview and culture. The program’s world-class faculty, readings, webinars, and residencies equip Christians to confidently approach culture with biblical clarity.
Colson Fellows also leave the program with a 3-year plan for action and ministry. Colson fellows have taken their Christian worldview training to state legislatures, board rooms, schools, medical research, prisons, racial reconciliation efforts—in other words, into every area of life.
That’s the vision: Christian leaders, who are trained and eager to apply biblical truth with a clear vision and plan, planted everywhere across the culture. Learn more at colsonfellows.org.
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